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Rumos: "Training in cybersecurity and information security is essential"

In an interview with Security Magazine, Jorge Lopes, Rumos Director for Training, highlights the importance of a proactive approach to training professionals, focusing on skills that guarantee the cyber protection of organizations in an increasingly complex digital world.

06 August, 2024

Rumos: "Training in cybersecurity and information security is essential"
Rumos: "Training in cybersecurity and information security is essential"

With more than three decades of activity, Rumos intends to "continue to create a global learning community that promotes knowledge sharing, networking and collaboration between IT professionals". Jorge Lopes, director of Rumos Training, told Security Magazine that the company is investing significantly in improving its facilities and expanding its team.

Security Magazine - Tell us a bit about the history of Rumos, namely when and how it was founded and what were the main milestones in its development?
Jorge Lopes - Rumos was founded in 1992, at a time when a closer link was being sought between universities and the business world. From the outset, Rumos identified and filled a gap in the Portuguese market dedicated to information technology training. This specific focus has allowed us to grow organically and solidly.

One of the most significant milestones in our journey has been the establishment of international partnerships, which have allowed us to raise the quality level of our courses and gain recognition across borders. Over the years, Rumos has adapted to the demands of the market, integrating new technologies and teaching methodologies, which has consolidated us as a benchmark in the sector.

Our continuous commitment to quality and innovation, combined with our long-term strategic vision, has been fundamental to our success and sustained growth. Today, we are a preferred choice both for professionals seeking specialization and for companies in need of excellent training solutions.

How do you see Rumos growing in recent years?
It has been very positive and reflects our commitment to innovation and excellence. We have adapted quickly to changes in the market, especially with the transition to remote and hybrid training models, which has allowed us to continue offering high-quality training even during challenging periods.

Recognition as the "#1 Professionals' Choice Brand 2024" by ConsumerChoice - Consumer Satisfaction Rating Center, for example, is a testament to our dedication to providing training solutions that truly respond to our clients' needs.

We have also expanded our international partnerships, allowing us to offer globally recognized certifications and keep our programs up to date with the latest technological trends. This growth is not only quantitative, but also qualitative, as evidenced by the satisfaction of our trainees and the positive impact we have on their careers and companies.

What investments have been made to improve the quality and range of courses offered by Rumos?
We have made significant investments to raise the quality and diversify our training offer. We have equipped training rooms with state-of-the-art technology, including high-definition cameras, wide-caption microphones and advanced sound systems, to ensure that remote classes are as engaging and effective as face-to-face ones.

We continue to develop "blended by design" content, with moments of autonomous learning, in which the trainee learns at their own pace according to their availability, more focused on the theoretical components, and moments with the trainer, which focus on practice and know-how, resulting in a more positive experience, which favours the effectiveness of learning, but is also more flexible and compatible with today's way of life, in which people and organizations are looking to find a better balance between personal and professional life.

All of this aims not only to improve the training experience, but also to ensure that our courses are in line with the latest market trends. We continue to invest in the ongoing training of our trainers, ensuring that they are always up to date with the latest pedagogical methodologies and educational technologies. These efforts reflect our commitment to providing training of excellence, capable of preparing trainees for the challenges of today's job market.

Do you have any plans to expand or introduce new training programs in the near future?
Yes, we will continue to develop strategic partnerships with world-leading technology entities to offer globally recognized certifications. In addition, we intend to continually innovate our training offer, introducing new courses in line with the latest technological trends and market needs.

Most recently, for example, we have consolidated new partnerships with CertNexus and ISC2, which have allowed us to expand our portfolio of certifications and courses in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity, respectively. We intend to continue creating a global learning community that promotes knowledge sharing, networking and collaboration between IT professionals.

Do you provide face-to-face training for companies throughout the country? What other modalities do you have at this level?
Yes, Rumos is able to adapt training to the specific needs of each organization, offering a service that is both flexible and targeted. We can deliver face-to-face training at the client's premises, or at locations chosen by them, thus guaranteeing maximum convenience and efficiency.

In addition to face-to-face training, we offer remote and hybrid training options. These alternatives combine live sessions via digital platforms with face-to-face components, offering a versatile solution that adapts to the different working dynamics of companies. These modalities are supported by learning technologies that guarantee a rich and interactive experience, resembling the face-to-face experience as much as possible.

In all these options, the aim is to provide training that is accessible and adjusted to the demands and schedules of each company and its employees.

In terms of cybersecurity and information security, what does Rumos offer in terms of training?
Rumos has a comprehensive range of training in cybersecurity, information security and privacy, covering various levels of difficulty, from beginners' courses to advanced programs.

We have established strategic partnerships with global leaders focused exclusively on these areas, such as Check Point or ISC2, but also with technology giants such as Microsoft, AWS, CompTIA or Cisco that integrate cybersecurity components into their courses to ensure the security of their technologies. These partnerships allow us to offer internationally recognized certifications, ensuring that trainees acquire up-to-date skills in line with current market demands and industry best practices.

In addition to these courses derived from technical partnerships, Rumos develops its own courses, specially designed to train both professionals who already work in the area and are looking to deepen their skills, as well as those who are just starting out in cybersecurity.

We can highlight, for example, the Cybersecurity Academy, an intensive training programme with a workload of 350 hours, designed to equip participants with advanced and practical cybersecurity skills, preparing them to obtain recognized certifications and respond effectively to information technology security challenges.

Do you think that training in these areas can help companies mitigate risks internally?
Absolutely. Training in cybersecurity and information security is essential if companies are to mitigate risks internally. By equipping professionals with up-to-date knowledge and best practices, these courses enable employees not only to better understand cyber threats, but also to develop the skills to implement robust security measures. This includes everything from identifying and preventing attacks to responding to and recovering from incidents, covering all the aspects needed to strengthen the IT infrastructure and protect the company's critical data.


Published in Security Magazine on August 6, 2024 . Click here to access the original content.