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How to ensure that people adapt to (constant) technological change

Opinion article by Jorge Lopes, Managing Director and Board member of Rumos Training

29 May, 2024

How to ensure that people adapt to (constant) technological change
How to ensure that people adapt to (constant) technological change

According to ManpowerGroup's "The Age of Adaptability: 2024 Workforce Trends" report, 48% of workers' skills will undergo a significant transformation in the next five years due to technological advances and other socio-economic trends. This study reveals that the adoption of new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation, is transforming job functions in all industries.

So how can companies and individuals ensure that they adapt to this ever-changing environment?

From our perspective, training plays a key role in this journey of adaptation. Investing in training and adopting a practice of continuous training is the first step, for everyone as an individual and also for organizations. Training provides up-to-date knowledge on emerging technologies, tools and practices and also develops the technical and soft skills needed to deal with technological change.

The development of soft skills such as problem-solving, effective communication, collaboration and time management are essential for dealing with the complexity and uncertainty associated with technological change. Investing in the development of these skills prepares individuals for the multidimensional challenges of the job market.

Resilience and flexibility are key attributes for promoting adaptation. Training helps people develop resilience and adapt to new scenarios and promotes cognitive flexibility, allowing individuals to adjust quickly to change.

At a time when the issue of retaining and attracting talent is key for all organizations, it is important to note that well-structured training motivates employees, showing that the organization is investing in their development, and motivated people are more likely to embrace change.

The use of modern learning technologies is another powerful strategy. E-learning platforms, virtual reality and artificial intelligence offer personalized and interactive learning experiences, adapting to the pace and needs of each individual. These tools facilitate access to a wide range of educational resources, making learning more accessible and effective. Integrating these technologies into the educational process is essential for preparing employees for the demands of the future.

Training also contributes to shaping the organizational culture, and therefore encourages the development of a culture of continuous learning, being an important factor for innovation, which will promote the adoption of new practices and processes, and adaptation to new technologies. In short, a culture that values training makes it easier to adapt to technological change.

In addition to training, it is crucial to foster a culture of innovation within organizations.

Companies should encourage experimentation and the acceptance of new ideas, creating an environment where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. Encouraging employees to explore new technologies, test new working methods and share their findings promotes an adaptable and resilient mindset. An environment of innovation not only improves the company's ability to respond to technological change, but also increases employee satisfaction and engagement.

Finally, we'd like to bring up the subject of AI, and the contribution it will make to people and organizations, as an important factor for productivity, business development and as an accelerator of innovation.

AI will automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for more strategic activities, as well as contributing to operational efficiency and reducing errors.AI will also be an asset to the training process, increasing its effectiveness, improving the learning process, and also allowing greater adaptation to the needs of each person, through a more complete and faster diagnosis of training gaps. 
AI will also enable the processing of large volumes of data, identifying patterns and generating insights, helping to make informed and strategic decisions.

Adapting to constant technological change requires a strategic approach and a joint effort by companies and professionals.

Investing in continuous training, fostering a culture of innovation, using learning technologies, developing soft skills and creating knowledge networks are all valuable actions. With these strategies, companies and individuals can ensure that they are prepared for the challenges of the future, turning uncertainties into opportunities and ensuring sustainable and competitive growth in the digital age. The ability to adapt and the willingness to learn continuously will be the pillars that sustain success in this new technological reality. AI, when applied ethically and transparently, expands these possibilities, driving evolution at both an individual and organizational level.

Article published in Human Resources on May 29, 2024. Click here to see the article in its original format.